
Getting Started

To add an announcement click +New and create a New Post. Under Categories, be sure to select Announcements before you publish the post.

Before you can create a post on your course site, you must log-in to the site with your regular Bucknell username and password (use the Log-In link at the bottom of the website). You will know you are logged in because you will see a black toolbar at the top of the page

  • On the black toolbar at the top of the page, click +New; by default this will create a new Post.
  • This will take you to an edit page that says Add New Post at the top (if it says Add New Page, you’re creating a Page and not a Post; you want to create a Post)
  • Write the title for your post in the box at the top of the page that says Enter title here
  • The main edit box on the page is for the body of your post
  • There is a formatting bar above the edit box where you can Insert/edit link, format the font, etc.
  • Once you’ve added your text, be sure to select the appropriate Categories from the right side-bar
  • You may also add any relevant Tags (think of these as hashtags or topics that you cover in your post)
  • When you’re done, click Publish
  • You can then click on the View Post link
  • Remember that you can Edit a post at any time
    • Access the post via the website and click Edit Post in the black toolbar at the top of the screen
    • Or go to DashboardPosts > find your post and select Edit

If you have any questions, email Emily at egs008[at]bucknell[dot]edu, Deb at balducci[at]bucknell[dot]edu.